Birds of a feather | Mojave, CA
Soggy Day | Seatac, WA
LA Type of Feel, KLM 777-300 | Los Angeles, CA
Start-up | for Eviation
The sun shines down upon the expansive Los Angeles International Airport near Los Angeles, California, on November 8, 2015.
Shadow of Itself, Boeing 757 | Los Angeles, CA
Cut Away, ANA Boeing 747SR | Pinal, AZ
Aero 45 | Over Puget Sound, Washington State
Constitution Beach | Boston, MA
Passing Islander | Block Island, RI
Moonshot, Alaska 737 | Seattle, WA
January: The World is Spinning | An Iberia Airbus A340-600 runs a circuit in the sky while waiting to land in London. Who would’ve guessed it’d turn into a metaphor only a few months later. | 2020 Aviation Week Photo Contest Winner
Final Approach | Kärdla, Estonia